Living Hope Christian Ministries Inc. is a non-profit organization with a 501 (c) 3 tax exemption status. We rely on donations to maintain our mission to restore Broken Lives. Often, those who need help are least able to have the financial resources to have the financial resources to support themselves. A Majority of our funds are raised from individuals, churches, business, community organizations and fund raising events.
Your donations will address the following needs: Food, clothing, and shelter needs, educational, transportation costs,recreational activities, personal hygiene and medical essentials, operational costs such as utilities, maintenance and other basic needs.
Living Hope has been a strong, consistent voice calling for the empowerment, restoration and freedom for those stuggling with mental disorder, alcoholism and substance abuse addictions throughout the New York metropolitan area. Our services and presence in the community have worked positive change for countless people. In these difficult times, your support is essential for our continuing mission to help restore lives and spreading hope through the Good News of Jesus.
To Donate by Mail: Living Hope Christian Ministries, Inc. 107-55 166th Street Queens, New York 11433...
Contact: Program Director: Rev. B.Paul 718-805-0601 718-926-2447
Thank You For Caring & For Making A Difference!